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Study in U.S.A. - US Education

It is talked of as the land of dream fulfillment, of cutting edge quality, of mega bucks and of life as you want it to be.

Whatever you have heard about the U.S., it's true. And getting an education there is probably the simplest and most reputable way of being a part of the great American dream. And also, US education is eminently affordable, if done the right way. Unlike other parts of the world, where self-funding is the only way to pay for your education, the US education system offers an array of scholarships and loans besides earn-as-you-learn opportunities. Information on all this, and lots more, is available on this site.

U.S. Education System

The U.S. educational system is very different from its Indian counterpart. U.S.A. has more than 3,300 accredited colleges and universities, which offer a wide range of graduate and undergraduate programs. 

Types of Programs


Undergraduate programs (Bachelor degree) :
This is the first level of post-secondary education that begins after 12 years of primary and secondary schooling.  It includes at least 4 years of education and earns a bachelor’s degree (Most Indian graduation courses are of 3 years duration).  There are also two-year programs which earn an Associate degree. A student who has an associate degree has to study further for a minimum of 2 years to earn a bachelor’s degree.  

Graduate Programs (Master’s & Doctorate degree) :
This is the same as post-graduate education in India.  It usually involves one year or more of education depending on the subject or course, and earns a master’s or doctoral degree like MBA, MS or PhD. Admission to a graduate program usually requires a minimum of 16 years of formal education. That is, 12 years of primary and secondary schooling and further 4 years of college education.  

Types of Institutions


There is no central ministry of education in the U.S. and each institution can determine its own programs and admission standards. There are private as well as state funded colleges.

Universities are academic institutions that include one or more undergraduate colleges, as well as any number of graduate and professional schools, i.e. schools offering study for a single profession such as law.

Four year colleges are undergraduate institutions offering academic programs leading to a bachelor’s degree. Community colleges or junior colleges are undergraduate institutions offering upto two years of academic instruction beyond secondary school at a relatively low cost. These offer certificate programs that last for a few months to a year as well as associate degrees.

Institutes of technology or polytechnic institutes offer specialized programs in sciences and engineering, in addition to basic sciences, humanities and the social sciences, at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.



Accreditation is a process by which universities and their programs are recognized for maintaining a certain level of performance and quality. Accreditation is usually done by non-governmental agencies called accreditation bodies. There are two types of accreditation : regional & professional.

Regional bodies ascertain whether colleges and universities as a whole meet certain standards of educational quality.

In addition, certain professional accrediting bodies evaluate the quality of education in specific fields like Business, Law etc.

Importance of Accreditation :

  • Ensures that universities meet minimum standards.
  • Only national and international form of evaluation for US universities.
  • Increases the recognition of degree by employers and schools.
  • Helps in case the student wishes a transfer to another university.
To check out the list of accredited US universities, go to www.chea.org

NOTE : Government of India recognizes only accredited U.S. universities

It is advisable to apply to only accredited universities.



US universities offer two main semester intakes:

Fall Semester (September/October):
This is the main intake and almost all programs are offered at this times. More financial aid is also available for this semester and as funds are allocated for the entire year during this time.

Spring Semester (January/February):
This is the mid-year intake. There is limited financial assistance available for this semester as most universities allocate funds to projects in the Fall semester.

Some universities also have a Summer intake around July.

International Student Issues

This section discusses the various issues faced by international students applying to the U.S. for education. We discuss here eligibility criteria for US colleges, accommodation, health insurance and rules for taking up employment while studying.



The three most important criteria for both graduate & undergraduate courses are :

1.  Consistently Good Academic Record
2.  Financial Support
3.  Proficiency in English

Other eligibility criteria :

Undergraduate Programs (BS, BE, BA etc)

Most Colleges all over the U.S. require a minimum of 12 years of formal education. In the Indian context, it implies qualifying in class 12th examination or junior college, as applicable.  The acceptable degrees include: Indian School Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Higher School Certificate, Higher Secondary Certificate, All India Senior School Certificate.

Graduate Programs (MS, MA,MBA etc)

Most schools require qualifications comparable to a U.S. Bachelor’s degree (Four-Year Degree Program) or a minimum of 16 years of formal education. In the Indian context, this implies qualifying in either a professional four-year course like engineering or other such courses.

If you have completed a 3-year degree program in India, the advisable plan of action to maximize eligibility for U.S. graduate schools is to apply for a Post Graduate degree in India. A one-year university affiliated program will make up for the fourth year of a U.S. Undergraduate degree.

Students who apply are also required to take standardized tests like GRE, GMAT, LSAT and TOEFL etc. depending on the course or program chosen. For more details on these, check out the Tests To Be Taken section. The minimum TOEFL score required is usually 550 (Paper-based test) or 220 (Computer-based test) for graduate courses. But for financial aid, a minimum score of is 600 (Paper-based test) or 250 (Computer-based test) is usually required. 


  • Professional programs like the CA, ICWA, part time diplomas such as those in management or communication may or may not be accepted. Though many universities, especially Business Schools, have started recognizing the Indian CA.
  • Independent certificate courses offered by private institutions like Aptech, NIIT, etc. may or may not be accepted based on each individual university’s evaluation.
  • One-year education of a two year degree course (like M.Tech, MA etc) may not be accepted by most schools. The full course has to be completed for qualification, unless there is a recognized university exam at the end of one year.

No standardized policy exists regarding the acceptance of such programs. Some universities may accept the three-year Indian Graduation Degree for a few programs. Confirmation can only be obtained by either writing directly or formally applying to the universities concerned.


U.S. Universities
by state


(also available organized alphabetically)
























New Hampshire


New Mexico


North Carolina


North Dakota










West Virginia






Puerto Rico















District of Columbia
























New Jersey


New York




Rhode Island


South Carolina


South Dakota














Virgin Islands


Contact us : educationoverseas_usa@yahoo.co.in

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